Simpsons and Moonbats and Kant . . . Oh My!
Of course the simpleton professor who waxes philosophical over the Simpsons is a stark raving Moonbat. He's a vegan who loves animals and believes they deserve equal consideration with humans but thinks abortion and euthanasia are nifty. Hmmm, I'm not sure where that leaves the animals but I think they end up back in the frying pan. He's also written the prerequisite paper on "Disability, Marxism and Ecofeminism." Notes Schlussel:
The problem with far-left professors and nutjobs like Norcross is not just their politics. It's that they teach our nation's kids not HOW to think, but WHAT to think. And they are the ultimate recipients of your college tuition dollars.Preach it sister.
Thanks to your link, I got the pleasure of watching this bunch of bullshit.
The scariest moment was when a fellow professor said this regarding chickens:
As one who has lost five members of his family to the Nazi death camps, that what we intentially do to these animals is even worse than what Hitler and Mengele did in Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Trieblinka, Theresienstadt and all the rest. We are living in a hidden holocaust.
Shock. Horror. Dismay.
Chicken farming = Treblinka?
Good grief.
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