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Saturday, May 27, 2006

U. N.-necessary

I know the title is trite, but it's just so accurate. From the Washington Post:
DILI, East Timor, May 27 -- Thousands of people in East Timor's capital fled Saturday to churches, schools and other sanctuaries after surging violence between factions inside the security forces this week ignited a wider feud between residents from the east of this tiny country and those from the west.
The UN is an utter failure some fifty odd years after its founding. By refusing to take resolute action, it watches helplessly as every mission it runs turns into a cesspool of violence. The only thing Kofi Annan and company are consistently good at seems to be cashing in on bribes and kickbacks. And guess whose tax dollars help fund these failures? That's right...ours.

Says Tammy Bruce: "I say the breakdown of East Timor into bloody violent collapse is a UN success story because that is how all UN efforts seem to end. At this point, we've got to conclude international chaos, genocide and civil war is in fact the UN's primary goal."

Well said.


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