I know all 535 of you are puckered at both ends because of the
search of Rep. William Jefferson's House congressional office over the weekend. Just a reminder though, everyone in this country is subject to the same laws. No one is above it. Even (or perhaps especially) public servants like yourselves [
note: Kennedys excepted]. You do realize that you're public servants right? You're elected not crowned. You don't have immunity to search warrants.
I realize it's sobering to realize that you could actually be held accountable for your actions as a public servant, but you can and should be. And no, you can't have advance notice for shredding purposes.
Remember we're all created equal, and before you ask, no you aren't more equal than others. Regardless of what the lobbyists tell you, you're not special.
I couldn't agree with you more. They took Nixon down by searching the Democratic Party's National Committee offices. How is this different? We have a den of thieves making laws for our country. Perhaps its time for "We The People" to make ourselves heard. Just my opinion of course.
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