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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Why Did The Bad Samaritan Climb The Mountain?

Have you heard about this? Climbers going up Mt. Everest passed a man suffering from oxygen deprevation and just left him to die because they didn't want to be hindered in reaching the summit themselves. Hey, it costs a lot of money to mount Mt. Everest and you can't just throw that away. From the Globe and Mail:
The death of a Briton on Everest has roiled the mountaineering world and sparked accusations of inhumanity against the dozens of fellow climbers believed to have passed him as he struggled to survive.

David Sharp died, apparently of oxygen deficiency, while descending from the summit during a solo climb last week. More than 40 climbers are thought to have seen him as he lay dying, and almost all continued to the summit without offering assistance.
Yep, just walked right on by. Oh they've got plenty of excuses. It would be risking one's own life to stop and try to help. He was too far gone anyway, there was no point in wasting the effort. Oh me? I couldn't have helped him I'm far too inexperienced to have rendered assistance.

Toronto's Urszula Tokarska, who reached the top of Everest last summer said that it was "sad and disheartening," and "It doesn't reflect well on climbers, but we can't judge them..." Disheartening she said. Yeah, God forbid the mountain climbing enthusiasts get disheartened.

The President of the Alpine Club of Canada, Cam Roe, "would like to think" he would help in such a situation, but he's not sure, and "Those are very hard choices and it's not something to Monday-morning quarterback..." Wouldn't you just love to have to depend on him for something? Maybe he'd help, maybe he wouldn't.

Mark Inglis, a double-amputee from New Zealand, said his party stopped and radioed base camp before continuing to climb. Said Inglis, "I walked past David but only because there were far more experienced and effective people than myself to help him...," and "It was a phenomenally extreme environment; it was an incredibly cold day." A "cold day" is an understatement Mark.

Sir Edmund Hillary who reached the top in 1953, rebuked them all saying:
"Human life is far more important than just getting to the top of a mountain," the New Zealand native was quoted as saying in an interview with his country's press association. "It was wrong if there was a man suffering altitude problems and was huddled under a rock, just to lift your hat, say 'good morning' and pass on by."

There have been a number of occasions when people have been neglected and left to die and I don't regard this as a correct philosophy," he told the Otago Daily Times.

"I think the whole attitude toward climbing Mount Everest has become rather horrifying. The people just want to get to the top," he told the newspaper.

Hillary told New Zealand Press Association he would have abandoned his own pioneering climb to save another's life. "It was wrong if there was a man suffering altitude problems and was huddled under a rock, just to lift your hat, say 'good morning' and pass on by," he said. He said that his expedition, "would never for a moment have left one of the members or a group of members just lie there and die while they plugged on towards the summit.
I just can't imagine leaving someone to die just to continue on a mountain climbing expedition. It's just absolutely sickening.

Luke 10:30-37

[some quotes from Fox News]


Anonymous 5/26/2006 07:27:00 AM  

Hi! :) Just dropping in after surfing the blogosphere.

I have to disagree. I don't think the mountain climbers were bad samaritans, evil, or anything else. They're just ordinary people. What could they have done?

I'm wondering what, if anything, the team of 40 could have done for this guy. If the conditions at that height are so severe that corpses are littering the mountainside and no one's been able to remove them, then how could this climbing team have rescued a man dying from oxygen deprivation?

"Duh, just give him oxygen." Right? Well, the climbers brought enough for themselves, and no one else. Where would this extra oxygen have come from? The team of 40, I'm presuming, wasn't a team of highly trained EMTs and doctors who could have rescued Sharp from the brink of oblivion. They were just climbers.

I'm sure that if there was *something* they could have done under the circumstances without putting their own lives in severe peril, they would have done so.

Kevin 5/26/2006 08:40:00 AM  

Bzzz... Thank you for playing though.

You do not leave a human being to die so you can finish an ego boosting climb up a mountain.

No, they probably couldn't have saved him. But you don't just walk away to finish your personal quest while the man is gasping his last breath. At the very least you can stay with him and offer what comfort you can. Even if it means you don't make it to the summit.

Those "mountaineers" seriously need to re-examine their priorities. And so do the people defending them.

Anonymous 5/27/2006 10:45:00 PM  

I'm sure SCUBA style buddy breathing would work up there, and maybe one or two guys might not have been able to save him, but I imagine 10 or 20 or 40 could have.

Kevin 5/27/2006 10:54:00 PM  

You're probably right AJ. It seems that many people could have done something.

But maybe no one could have helped him. Sometimes we're just in the wrong place at the wrong time and all that.

But to walk away cavalierly and leave him to die so they could finish their climb? That's fucking cold people. Cold.

May lonely deaths be upon them all.

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