Katrina Reminds Us - It's Mother Nature's World, We Just Live Here
The Gulf Coast has been almost completly destroyed. Beauvoir, the final home of Jefferson Davis was blown apart. The absolutely HUGE casino barges were picked up and tossed inland like trailers. The picutre below is the President Casino - thrown across a four lane highway on top of a Holiday Inn, which it crushed.

New Orleans, a city I absolutely love, will probably never be the same.
I'm just praying that friends and family weathered the storm.
***** UPDATE *****
Thank God! I was able to get through to a good friend in Jackson. They're all okay - no power of course - which means no A/C! - and they just got the phones back. Katrina was a category 2 when it reached Jackson - sustained winds! Believe me, that is unusual and incredible.
Just to show how powerful Katrina was - here are some pictures from my hometown of Jackson, MS which is about 170 miles from Biloxi down on the coast.

I'd be glad to pass on any info I find out. You can email me at cyberkevinblogs@msn.com. I'll be calling my friend in Jackson later today to see if she's been able to contact her family in Tylertown.
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