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Thursday, October 13, 2005

JOEL HINRICHS III: Off-beat Suicide or Failed Homicide Bomber?

Mark Davis of the Dallas Morning News takes a look at a story that is apparently being ignored, and asks why?

Media Might Be Missing A Story And Ignoring A Terrorist

Imagine a man with a bomb strapped to his body making his way into a packed football stadium, reaching his seat and blowing himself up.

There would be a heavy death toll in what would be the first successful terrorist act on U.S. soil since 9-11.

Jolting us back to memories of the Oklahoma City bombing, this would obviously be a massive headline in our ongoing war on terror. One would think attention would be
heightened even further if such a story were to occur again in Oklahoma.

Well, there's reason to believe it nearly happened, and it was indeed in Oklahoma, making the paltry coverage of the story unfathomable.


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