Mexico Promises to Block Border Wall Plan
Intimidate us with their economic might?
Threaten us with their military power?
Put a Santeria curse on us?
Pee in our beer?
"We learned to believe in the United States. We have a binational life," he [Fernando Robledo, 42, of the western state of Zacatecas] said of Zacatecas, a state that has been sending migrants north for more than a century. "It isn't just a feeling of rejection. It's against what we see as part of our life, our culture, our territory."I tell you they won't be satisfied until they've taken over the Southwest and proclaimed the workers' paradise of
"I would expect more energetic reactions from our authorities," Soberanes told local media. "It's preferable to have a more demanding government, more confrontation with the United States."
"Our president should oppose that wall and make them stop it, at all costs," said Martin Vazquez, 26, at the Mexico City airport as he returned from his job as a hotel worker in Las Vegas. "More than just insulting, it's terrible."
I certainly hope you don't enjoy eating fruits and vegetables. Because if that wall goes up, you can kiss them goodbye.
No pickers = no food.
My bet: the wall won't be built, but conservatives will have a *hilarious* time talking about it.
Hmmmm, more expensive fruits and vegetables or better national security? I'll choose the latter. You do realize there is technology that can pick produce right? It doesn't have to be done by illegal labor. I'll suffer a possible minor, short-lived inconvenience if it helps crack down on our illegal immigrant problem.
Mexico can block legislation in the US, but they can't provide for reasonable accomodation policies that effect her own population within her own borders.
So? As a people they have no regard for the law; theirs or ours.
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