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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Mexico Makes Demands, Sane People Giggle At Them

From Breitbart.com:
Meeting in Mexico's capital, the regional officials pledged to do more to fight migrant trafficking, but indirectly condemned a U.S. bill that would make illegal entry a felony and extend border walls.

"Migrants, regardless of their migratory status, should not be treated like criminals," they said.
Note to the Los Diplomatas: If they enter our country illegally then they are criminals, and they should be dealt with accordingly.
"There has to be an integrated reform that includes a temporary worker program, but also the regularization of those people who are already living in receptor countries," Mexican Foreign Relations Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez said.
So now we're just a "receptor" country for their unwashed masses? No, no Luis, we're the more powerful country in this little equation. Remember that.

Fox's spokesman, Ruben Aguilar, defended the administration's record on Monday, telling reporters that migration has declined in recent years, though official figures show it remains at historically high levels.

Aguilar also said migrants "don't emigrate because they lack work, but rather for a series of other reasons, cultural reasons or better living conditions."
What you are trying to say Ruben, is that your country sucks jalapenos. Well listen up, that's your problem - not ours. If we just accept unconditionally all of your disaffected citizens, we'll be enabling the corrupt, dirty, repressive society in Mexico. As good friends and neighbors we cannot be part of your codependant mess. You better learn to deal with it, because your safety valve is about to close. Viva la Revolucion!


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