The Plot She Thickens...
D.C. Council member and former mayor Marion Barry yesterday urged two young men who robbed him at gunpoint Monday night to turn themselves in to police, promising that he would urge authorities not to prosecute them.Now, this could be because Barry is a typical bleeding heart liberal who doesn't want to see "disadvantaged" youth pounded by the man. Maybe I'm being judgmental, it's been known to happen, but I just can't shake the feeling that we haven't heard all the details on this robbery yet.
"I have no animosities," Barry declared. "I don't even want you prosecuted, really. I love you. Give yourself up. Call the police. . . . I will do all I can to advocate non-prosecution."
This is my favorite quote from the article:
"There is a sort of an unwritten code in Washington, among the underworld and the hustlers and these other guys, that I am their friend," [emphasis added] Barry said at an afternoon news conference in which he described the robbery in detail. "I don't advocate what they do. I advocate conditions to change what they do. I was a little hurt that this betrayal did happen."You just can't make this stuff up.
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