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Thursday, January 5, 2006

Predictable Moonbattery

From Neal Boortz:
There was one absolute certainty yesterday as the tragic story of the West Virginia mine disaster unfolded. By the end of the day the disaster was going to be blamed on either (a) global warming or (b) George Bush.

Well, it didn't take long. Yesterday somebody named Jack Spadaro, who is the former head of something called the National Mine Safety and Health Academy, went on Hannity and Colmes. The topic was the mining disaster in West Virginia that claimed the lives of 12 miners and left one in critical condition. He was asked what he made of the safety violations at the mine. His response: "This mine should have been closed." Fair comment.

Asked why, he said "There were too many serious violations and the record is very clear." At this point, that's obvious. So far, so good. Just another run-of-mill interview with a mining expert...the kind of thing we've heard over and over the past couple days. Then he took that extra step...the one we were all waiting for.

Asked to elaborate on why he thought the mine stayed open despite the violations, Mr. Spadaro actually said this: "I think it's because of the current Bush administration's policies toward mine operators and their reluctance to take the strong enforcement action that's sometimes necessary." [emphasis added] That's right....those miners died because of, you guessed it, President George W. Bush's lack of enforcement action on mine operators. The president killed the miners!

To the left, everything is George W. Bush's fault. It doesn't matter what wrong is committed anywhere in the world...there is nothing the president isn't responsible for. We'll hear more about this...and by the time it's all said and done, liberals will be accusing Bush of purposely blowing the mine shaft to take the news coverage off the Jack Abramoff scandal.
I was chatting with Robbie from The Malcontent yesterday, and he made a passing comment about someone finding a way to blame the accident on Bush. I chuckled to myself and then forgot about it, but God bless their persistent little hearts, the Moonbats found a way to sneak it in. I bet they drag global warming into it before the day is over.


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