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Saturday, January 7, 2006

Watch Some Demoquits Squirm

Two excellent videos from a Town Hall meeting hosted by Rep. Jim "Uh Duh Uh" Moran (D-VA) with Rep. John "Fall Back! Fall Back!" Murtha (D-PA). They both get a good, well deserved smack on the keister by men who know what it means to fight to defend America. Watch the videos here and here. The looks on their faces and the stammering & yammering of Moran as he tries to answer are priceless.

[HT: Michelle Malkin]


Indigo Red 1/08/2006 06:45:00 PM  

God! Those were good videos. Had to watch then twice to appreciate the full impact. Murtha and Moran had no clue what hit them.

I read your bio statement. I'm straight, 51 yrs old, and finally had to come out of the cripple closet in the late 80's. I was a Lib-Dem, but knew something was wrong...just didn't feel right. When I came out of the Conservative Republican closet, friends and family thoughtI was crazy. How could you, they asked, abandon the people who are taking care of you?

Since I gave up on the Dems, I have my first long term job with real responsibility, far more cash, savings, and investments than when I depended on the nanny-state. I'm glad I came out.

BTW, I like your blog and am adding yours to my blogroll today.

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