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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Thankful For The Opportunity To Spread The Will Of Allah

So said Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar after his SUV terrorist attack at the University of North Carolina. Mr. Taheri-azar must be slightly confused considering the eerie lack of publicity he's getting from the antique main-stream media. In the few mentions of the incident, they don't even identify Mr. Taheri-azar as a Muslim. The poor Jihadist must be asking himself, "what if you threw a terrorsit attack and no one noticed?"

Mark Steyn takes on the New York Times for its willful act of Dhimmitude this week:
This week's Voldemort Award goes to the New York Times for their account of a curious case of road rage in North Carolina:

"The man charged with nine counts of attempted murder for driving a Jeep through a crowd at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill last Friday told the police that he deliberately rented a four-wheel-drive vehicle so he could 'run over things and keep going.' "

The driver in question was Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar.

Whoa, don't jump to conclusions. The Times certainly didn't. As the report continued:

"According to statements taken by the police, Mr. Taheri-azar, 22, an Iranian-born graduate of the university, felt that the United States government had been 'killing his people across the sea' and that his actions reflected 'an eye for an eye.'"

"His people"? And who exactly would that be? Taheri-azar is admirably upfront about his actions. As he told police, he wanted to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world."

And yet the M-word appears nowhere in the Times report. Whether intentionally or not, they seem to be channeling the great Sufi theologian and jurist al-Ghazali, who died a millennium ago but whose first rule on the conduct of dhimmis -- non-Muslims in Muslim society -- seem to have been taken on board by the Western media:

The dhimmi is obliged not to mention Allah or His Apostle. . . .
As Steyn further points out, what hope do we have in fighting this enemy if we won't even take them at their word? Mr. Taheri-azar not only told us exactly why he commited this act of terror, look at the victims he chose, the people he has been studying with and socializing with for years. This enemy is intractable and we must be so as well if we ever hope to defeat them.


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