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Friday, June 16, 2006

Bit In The Ass By Their Own Race-baiting

Nancy Pelosi finally cajoled (browbeat?) her colleagues into removing scandal-mired representative William Jefferson (D-LA) from his seat on the House Ways & Means Committee. I'd say good for her if I thought she did it to uphold principles of honesty and trust in our government. Unfortunately I think it was nothing more than a political ploy to make Democrats look tough on corruption.

Neal Boortz points out, that no matter what the motive, this move will bring down the wrath of the Congressional Black (Liberal Democratic) Caucus:
We grudgingly give her [Pelosi] an attagirl on this one, especially since there will be hell to pay from the Black Congressional Caucus. The vote now goes to the floor of the House, where a majority will have to approve the measure.

But, as I said, the Congressional Black Caucus is upset. The chairman of that group, Melvin Watt of North Carolina, warned there will be consequences for Democrats over black voters. That's right...unbelievably, Watt is making threats against his own party over someone who was caught accepting a $100,000 cash bribe by the FBI. Yes, he hasn't been convicted of anything...but neither was O.J.
Live by the race card, die by the race card. Ah sweet *schadenfreude.

*Off topic: Did you know that English has its own word for schadenfreude (taking pleasure in another's misfortune)? It's epicaricacy (/ep"-i-kar-ik'-i-see/) - derived from the Greek as a compounding of epi (upon), chara (joy), and kakon (evil). Interesting, but I like saying schadenfreude better.


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