God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen - Jars of Clay - listen now

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I Just Don't Get Her...

The Dixie Chicks are exercising their right to free speech...again. Here are some bits and pieces from their interview with the Telegraph:

  • Regarding the reaction to Natalie Maines first comment:
"The reaction was as if Natalie had said 'Death to the President' or something," says violinist and vocalist Maguire.

"It was the bullying and the scare factor," shudders banjo and guitar player Robison. "It was like the McCarthy days, and it was almost like the country was unrecognisable."
  • Regarding their fellow artists:
The Chicks can't hide their disgust at the lack of support they received from other country performers. "A lot of artists cashed in on being against what we said or what we stood for because that was promoting their career, which was a horrible thing to do," says Robison.

"A lot of pandering started going on, and you'd see soldiers and the American flag in every video. It became a sickening display of ultra-patriotism."

  • Regarding patriotism:
"The entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism," Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. "Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country… I don't see why people care about patriotism."
I think Ms. Maines has now made her view of her country as plain as possible. I don't think I could listen to one of their songs again, without hearing hearing her shrill little voice spewing that bullsh-t, so now it's time to do what I almost did back in 2003. I've deleted all of their songs from my iTunes and iPod. On Monday, I'll take the one Dixie Chicks CD I own to work and plop it in the mega-shredder. You see, I have freedom of speech too, and I'm exercising it - even though big Natalie may disagree with me. It's a shame too, because I do like their music.

ht: Michelle Malkin

ADDITION: Tammy Bruce has a short list of reasons why we should love our country for the patriotically challenged Natalie Maines.


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