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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Let The Liberals Speak...

Hell, let's buy them a freaking mega-phone. Let Howard Dean scream, let the Murthabat ramble, let the New York Times betray, let John Kerry equivocate, let Nancy Pelosi corner the market on botox - oh sorry that's off topic isn't it? The more they talk the better. Their true message of blame America first, moral equivalence between their own nation/government and the murderous terrorists, and their silly PC machinations will do nothing more than alienate the majority of Americans.

Virginia Buckingham of the Boston Herald has an excellent column on the subject. She makes a good point about the call for prosecuting the New York Times:
Before the Times revealed the two security programs, literally in black and white, al-Qaeda and its allies did not know, could no know for sure, how best to avoid detection.

They know now.

Yet, prosecuting them will allow publisher Bill Keller and his Democratic defenders to change the subject from their disregard for American safety to their stewardship of the First Amendment. The Bush administration ought to keep this escape hatch firmly closed.
Amen. The last thing we need is to allow the New York Treason to wrap itself up in the first amendment. She goes on to talk about the Murthabat, saying that the damage he has wrought with his idiotic statements is "far less quantifiable," other than surely bringing a smile to the face of our enemy and making us look like schmucks.

Read the whole column. Then sit back and watch the implosion.


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