Dr. Sanity
takes apart the left's defeatnik, blame America first message and points out their complete lack of insight or self-awareness. The left lives in an intential state of denial, and by doing so their Hear No Evil (except Bush), See No Evil (except Bush), Speak No Evil (except to excoriate Bush) is a danger to themselves and to us.
In a world where the Democratic Party leadership was anchored to reality, the debate with Republicans would be how to fight the war on terror better; and the American public would not be constantly subjected to the constant whining--by Kerry and others of his gormless ilk-- about how we shouldn't have gone to Iraq in the first place. Or the increasingly petulant demands to simply cut and run because everything is not going perfectly.
The proponents of doom and gloom in the reality-based community insist that it is Bush who is in denial (or people like me), even as they twist and turn every major victory in the war into more evidence in their own minds that we are losing. Instead of national rejoicing at the death of one of the enemy's leaders; as we recommit ourselves to the fight, we instead witness the spectacle of Democrats pushing for surrender.
My patience with this kind of political denial, and the concomitant paranoid delusional system promulgated by the left, ended on 9/11. Their political insanity has become a threat that no rational person can afford to ignore because they put not only themselves in danger, but everyone else in this country.
Mired in the past, pessimistic about the future, bitter about the present. Dear God, please help keep them out of a position of power in our government.
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