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Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Remembering Normandy '44

Today is the 62nd anniversary of the Allies June 6, 1944 D-Day landing on the beaches of Normandy. Let's not forget the sacrifices that were made and the debt we owe to those young men.

* * * * * A D D I T I O N * * * * *

I've been reading and thinking about D-Day tonight. I did not hear one mention of D-Day on the news today. Not one. God forgive us. How ungrateful can we be that we were more concerned with something as stupid as numerology on this day; I'm not at all sure we deserve the freedom we have today. It just leaves me speechless that those young men did what they did. How do you get in a boat and cross the English Channel knowing you will almost certainly die? Bill Maher called the terrorists of 9/11 brave - but on reflection, he's full of shit. The true bravery is giving your own life alone for what you love and value, just as the allied soldiers on Utah beach, Omaha beach, Gold beach, Juno beach, and Sword beach did. Hopefully generations far removed from us, and not as self-absorbed, will appreciate their sacrifice.


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