John Kerry: U.S. Soldiers Are Stupid
"You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."Yes, Skerry Kerry needs to have a really big say in our national security. After all, who better to order around our military than an oafish asshole who has nothing but complete disdain for them?
UPDATE: Lurchy boy is holding a press conference to "explain" himself. Methinks he doth protest too much. Now he's saying it was a "botched joke" about the Bush administration, not an insult to the troops. He's name calling, and insulting even more people. Is this his idea of an explanation? He didn't once apologize to the troops - at least not that I heard, correct me if I'm wrong.
For God's sake, where are his handlers? If I were them I'd get this man off the stage ASAP! Everytime he opens his mouth he creates another vote for the GOP. As a commenter points out, Kerry refers "to his own words as a 'Dirty Republican Trick'".
Man, that was fantastic! Michelle Malkin was right when she said, "I expect nothing less than full-throated indignance, condescension, and blame avoidance...great news for the GOP..." Karl Rove couldn't have written that "explanation" better himself, it had everything but a Gehngis "Gin-jiss" Khan reference. ("Gin-jiss" Khan? Is that Chaka's brother?)
Shhhhh... if you're very quiet you can hear the sound of Kos's butthole puckering.
UPDATE: The mainstream media is in a tizzy to defend and explain John "Rhubarb" Kerry's insulting of our military men and women.
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