Good grief. I don't really have a comment on this bit of pro-terrorist propaganda, I just thought it would be good for a laugh. Here's the
New York Times take on the Fort Dix Six:
"It is unclear what role, if any, religion played in the attack Mr. Shnewer and the five other men are charged with planning. (The sixth suspect, Agron Abdullahu, had no apparent connection with Al-Aqsa or the South Jersey Islamic Center.) The authorities have described the suspects as Islamic extremists, but the lengthy criminal complaint summarizing the F.B.I.'s 15-month undercover investigation of the group does not mention where -- or how often -- they prayed. Certainly there is no evidence that they picked up radical ideas at either mosque."
I guess a video tape of the suspects firing weapons and screaming praises to Allah is too subtle for report Alan Feuer and his bosses at the Old Faded Lady. Read
NewsBusters article here.
Yes, they're misunderstood. They came to do jobs that ordinary Americans wouldn't do: Raid US military bases and kill US soldiers on US soil.
We surely misunderstood them.
Good Grief, indeed! What an ass!
That's MY base they were planning to attack, and the terrorist's Dad's pizza place is right outside our housing area gate!
I'm sure that had there been screaming of Allahu Akbar and shooting while discussing a mass murder at the NYT offices, they would not be making excuses. They would be demanding 'round the clock heavily armed guards.
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