A Lotta Bit Of This, A Lotta Bit Of That
No one appreciates initiative anymore: California Teenagers Face Prison for Hacking Into School Computers - Two Orange County, Calif., high school seniors were supposed to have graduated Wednesday. Instead, they're facing serious prison time for alleged crimes some people might not think are all that serious. County prosecutors allege Omar Khan, 18, of Coto de Caza, and Tanvir Singh, 18, of Ladera Ranch, broke into Tesoro High School in Las Flores to steal tests and change their own and others' grades on the school computer network.
One = shark attack; six = Soprano's episode: Sixth Foot Washes Ashore In British Columbia - Yet another human foot encased in a running shoe has washed up on B.C.'s south coast, intensifying a macabre mystery that has flummoxed police and forensic investigators. It's the second foot to turn up this week and the sixth in less than a year. [h/t Jamie] UPDATE! The sixth foot is a hoax.
Mrs. McCain I like: Cindy McCain Presses Michelle Obama Patriotism Case - I don't know why she said what she said," Mrs. McCain explains in an interview with ABC News' Kate Snow airing on "Good Morning America" Thursday. "Everyone has their own experience. I don't know why she said what she said, all I know is that I have always been proud of my country.
I'm beginning to think that polar bears are behind the global warming myth. After all! What a great way to attract more prey to the area: Hypocrisy is becoming a little hard to bear - POOR Belle. Here's a polar bear that never got to taste a global warming hypocrite, served fresh. Oh, I can imagine how Belle's mouth ran to see the welcoming committee of journalists assembled for her this week on the coast of northern Iceland. She'd have been hungry, of course, having sailed an ice floe over from Greenland and then swum to shore. And, if she'd read the papers, she might even have expected the reporters before her would be the last to deny her a house-warming snack... Bears floating to Iceland "could lend credence to warnings from experts that climate change is creating a more perilous environment for the majestic Arctic animals," wailed an AFP stringer... Don't mention that the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre says the extent of Arctic ice is in fact "greater than this time last year". Don't mention that polar bears are growing in number, not shrinking... And especially don't mention that the world hasn't warmed since 1998. [h/t: Lucianne]
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