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Friday, June 13, 2008

Tim Russert Dead At 58

NBC Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert Dies at 58
Russert, host of top-rated Sunday talk show "Meet the Press," reportedly died of a heart attack. He was 58.

A noticeably shaken Tom Brokaw made the announcement live from New York, saying his colleague collapsed and died early Friday afternoon in the NBC News bureau in Washington.

Brokaw said Russert had just returned from a trip to Italy with his wife, Maureen Orth, and son, Luke, to celebrate Luke's graduation from Boston College.
Believe me, I yelled at the screen more than once when watching him interview people. He had a decidedly liberal bent for which he made no apologies. Still, that didn't stop him from holding a politicians feet to the fire regardless of what side of the aisle they were on. The world will miss his sharpness, pointed questions and no-nonsense style.

My condolences and prayers to his family.


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