Dowdification Alert!
It seems like a long time since Vice President Dan Quayle denounced Murphy Brown for having a baby out of wedlock, bemoaning a “poverty of values.”
Here's the actual quote, Dowdy:
[I]t doesn't help matters when primetime TV has Murphy Brown—a character who supposedly epitomizes today's intelligent, highly paid, professional woman—mocking the importance of fathers, by bearing a child alone, and calling it just another 'lifestyle choice.'Quayle's point wasn't when or where Brown's baby was conceived, but the glad handed way they made a father seem irrelevant to the life of a child. I also notice you gloss over the fact that Bristol Palin and her baby's father are going to get married - a tough road for someone so young of course, but quite different than what you imply. And when you do mention it you make the support of Bristol's family seem ugly and partisan, rather than loving. Maureen, sugar, I hope you realize that people - other than the elite urbanites anyway - don't buy into your chicanery anymore.
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