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Monday, September 22, 2008

Houses and Cars and Gays, OH MY!

There's a new addition to the Dems litany of McCain's sins. In case you haven't heard, the lefty blogs are all a dither about the outing of Mark Buse, McCain's Chief of Staff by Michelangelo Signorile. While those of us who are gay and conservative see this as a "so what" story, the Sisters of Perpetual Outrage are screaming hypocrisy at a decibel level that would make 8 year old girls cringe. Reading through the comments at their blogs, it seems the issue isn't whipping up the froth of outrage I'm sure was envisioned - take Joe.My.God's for example. But there are still some nasty statements out there. Joe.My.God says: Oh, this is going to be FUN. But also, UGH. We've got another scumbag traitorous Quisling self-hating homo KAPO working to beat down his fellow queers. According to the comments at BlogActive, conservative gays are like alcoholics, then they fling insults - that a thinking person might call real self-loathing homophobia - and also manage to smear Sarah Palin in the bargain. As for the issue of outing - the lefty gay clones are totally against it, unless the gay person in question does not toe the liberal party line or they're really hot. As usual the party of tolerance and acceptance proves itself to be anything but.


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