Governing Is A Bitch...
The American sense of optimism very much probably made people feel safe to vote for the Change Guy. I also think people feel the system is designed to limit the damage one person can do. It's unfortunate they apparently don't remember Jimmy Carter. I also think his supporters are in for a pretty big letdown. Most are going to be rather surprised when they find out they do still have to pay their mortgage and gas all by themselves.Is Obama SATAN INCARNATE? No, he's just your average leftist. Will he DESTROY AMERICA? No, not on purpose anyway.
In closing tonight—liberals know how to be out of power and complainers about what everyone else is doing. Now they have to govern and that's an entirely different dynamic. It's up to them now to swim or sink. And it's up to us to plot, plan, and get real about making sure Obama does as little damage as possible as Independent Conservatives work to make sure the Reagan Legacy returns.
Mr. Obama won. Now he has to lead. We'll see how he does at that considering he never has before. I simply believe he will lead us in the wrong direction.
And since I do care about my country I'll be there every step of the way to tell him when he's wrong and tell him if he's right. A robust Loyal Opposition.
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