A girls basketball team is being
taken to task for winning. The Covenant School trounced the opposing team from Dallas Academy 100-0 and for that bit of excellence they
must be punished. The school is seeking to forfeit the game and has already apologized on their website for winning "without honor" - whatever that means, though it seems meant to imply cheating. To top it all off, the coach of the winning team
has been fired. Why? For refusing to apologize for coaching a winning team.
Rather than using this as an opportunity to teach the worsted team how to lose with grace and dignity it's been turned into a opportunity to shame and chagrin the team that won. All because the opposing team might have been made to feel bad. Remember, it's about feelings these days. You should hold back your excellence least you offend the less talented. Remember the liberal mantra: spread the mediocrity.
By nature all men are equal in liberty, but not in other endowments. ~ Thomas Aquinas
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