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Friday, January 30, 2009

Two Good Bits Of News... One Bad...

The good...

Michael Steele is the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee:
Steele delivered a rousing speech after winning the race, pledging to re-establish the Republican presence in the northeast and win elections in regions across the country.

"It's time for something completely different, and we're gonna bring it to them," he said. "Get ready, baby. It's time to turn it on."

Steele said he would work to build the party to an unprecedented level and warned: "For those of you who wish to obstruct, get ready to get knocked down."
The FBI has finally recognized that CAIR is a smarmy group of terrorist enablers:
The FBI is severing its once-close ties with the nation's largest Muslim advocacy group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, amid mounting evidence that it has links to a support network for Hamas.

All local chapters of CAIR have been shunned in the wake of a 15-year FBI investigation that culminated with the conviction in December of Hamas fundraisers at a trial where CAIR itself was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator.
The bad...

It's very likely that we'll be bringing the terrorists from Gitmo to the United States - meaning an ACLU field day trying to get them released:
Putting detainees on trial in U.S. courts raises a host of problems starting with the fact that few, if any, of the suspected terrorists were read their Miranda rights when they were picked up on foreign battlefields.

Bringing them to the United States creates the possibility they could be freed here. Writes former Homeland Security Department lawyer Andrew J. Puglia Levy for Forbes.com: "Under current law once a detainee sets foot in the United States, it’s possible that he eventually could be walking the streets.” [...]

Most of the remaining detainees at Guantanamo are extremely dangerous. And some of those who’ve been released have rejoined the terror fight.

Bringing sworn enemies of the United States to American soil is an outrageously bad idea. There’s one trial balloon quickly turned to lead.


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