She Made A Choice... You Just Don't Like It
Okay all of you offended women's "rights" groups. If you don't like this ad then run a counter "Celebrate Suction Aspiration & Saline Poisoning" ad. Everyone get's to express their opinion. That's how America works. How America doesn't work is that you do NOT get live your life without being offended. Grow up and get used to it. And keep in mind that Mrs. Tebow did what you consider to be a holy sacrament of Modern Liberalism: she made her own choice. Your ranting makes it look like you want to silence her because - in your opinion - she made the "wrong" choice.
I think a suction aspiration ad would be great...then us women folk can really be proud of feminism and our equality. Yep, my rights are connected to my ability to suck a baby out, if I want. GO TIM! :)N
There is only one choice a woman (or her male significant other) can make that pleases the 'pro-choice' movement. That's because 'pro-choice' is an offshoot of the 'birth control' movement, which according to Margaret Sanger was just another name for the eugenics movement--- which was DOMINATED BY MEN!
Women need a women's movement that cares about what women want, not what horny heterosexual men want.
Kevin - that is exactly what I thought when I listened to those who oppose the running of this ad whinging on every tv show they could secure an invitation for.
They have some deep pocket sponsors - tap one for their own Superbowl commercial.
We now have two governing avenues to travel. One is the diminishing traditional “admire and applaud” system, the Ayn Rand side, and the other, from the Old World, is the growing “envy and punish” system. President Obama favors “envy and punish” and pursues legal means of justifying them both, beyond the limits of our Constitution, which is based upon defending the “admire and applaud” concept. The recent vote in Oregon to tax the small business person out of existence reflects the Obama side of governance, promoting an Old World mercantilist model of government partnering with large business to act as one, leaving the individual pebble dropper out of the loop.
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