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Thursday, October 13, 2005


GOP Gay Leader Dodges A Pie

CHAPEL HILL -- The head of a national gay Republicans group got "pied" Monday night while giving a speech at UNC-Chapel Hill for National Coming Out Day.

Patrick Guerriero, president of the Log Cabin Republicans, was speaking on the f uture of sexual politics when a person ran down toward the lectern and hurled a chocolate-laced cream pie at him.

A few minutes later someone pulled a fire alarm, and the building was evacuated. Guerriero finished his speech on the front steps of Carroll Hall.

"Free speech for us! Banana Cream for you!" It seems like that is the left's new mantra. From William Kristol to Ann Coulter and now Patrick Guerriero, it seems that using violence (which they ironically claim to abhor) to stifle free speech (which they ironically claim to love) is the new liberal-leftist tactic of choice.

What just amuses me is that they don't see the hypocrisy in their actions. When one has to resort to violence, and make no mistake - throwing a pie is a violent act, it means you are devoid of ideas. They simply cannot win an argument based on their political philosophy, because it is bereft of common sense and out of the mainstream for most Americans. So if they can't win fair and square, then they'll just try and win through intimidation and bullying.

I do worry sometimes that they'll ratchet up the violence - after all a pie isn't going to silence anyone for more than a few minutes. But what if they decide that handguns are a pretty neat idea after all, and a great way to silence an opponent permanently? Don't think they'd do it? I wouldn't underestimate the loony left if I were you. It appears they've turned on free speech like a rabid pit-bull, why not gun control?


Kevin 10/13/2005 03:20:00 PM  

Umm...I chose high profile conservative speakers who have been pelted with pies. Also, the leftists are the ones who are disrupting conservative speakers, not the other way around.

When was the last time you heard of conservative activist pelting a leftist speaker with a pie? I'll give you second to think about it. (Jeopardy theme plays in background) BUZZZZ! Times up - the correct answer is "never."

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