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Thursday, October 13, 2005


I must agree with Ann Coulter again. Saying so always attracts the attention of someone that even the Daily Kos would call a left wing nut-case, but I'm doing it anyway.

Ann is right, Harriet Miers - while I'm sure she is a very professional, honest woman with great integrity and loyalty - is not the right person to sit on the Supreme Court of the United States. Her legal career, while perhaps full of a number of "firsts" related to her gender, is unimpressive. I don't mind that she has never been a judge, that could be a selling point with the right nominee. What troubles me is what Arlen Spector said - oddly enough as a defense of her nomination: "Miers' professional qualifications are excellent, but she lacks experience in constitutional law..." As Ann points out: "This is like recommending a plumber by saying, 'He's a very professional guy, but he lacks experience in plumbing.'"
The only sexism involved in the Miers nomination is the administration's claim that once they decided they wanted a woman, Miers was the best they could do. Let me just say, if the top male lawyer in the country is John Roberts and the top female lawyer is Harriet Miers, we may as well stop allowing girls to go to law school.

Ah, but perhaps you were unaware of Miers' many other accomplishments. Apparently she was THE FIRST WOMAN in Dallas to have a swimming pool in her back yard! And she was THE FIRST WOMAN with a safety deposit box at the Dallas National Bank! And she was THE FIRST WOMAN to wear pants at her law firm! It's simply amazing! And did you know she did all this while being a woman?

I don't know when Republicans became the party that condescends to women, but I am not at all happy about this development. This isn't the year 1880. And by the way, even in 1880, Miers would not have been the "most qualified" of all women lawyers in the U.S., of which there were 75.

By 1950, there were more than 6,000 women lawyers, three female partners at major law firms and three female federal judges. She may be a nut who belonged to a subversive organization, but Ruth Bader Ginsburg graduated first in her class from Columbia Law School — and that was before Harriet Miers was applying to law school.

[ ... ]

Despite the astonishing fact that Miers was THE FIRST WOMAN to head the Texas Bar Association — a dumping ground for losers, by the way — Miers has not had the sort of legal career that shouts out "Supreme Court material"! That is, unless you think any female who manages to pass the bar exam has achieved a feat of unparalleled brilliance for her gender.

[ ... ]

I genuinely feel sorry for Miers. I'm sure she's a lovely woman, brighter than average, and well-qualified for many important jobs. Just not the job Bush has nominated her for. The terrible thing Bush has done to Miers is to force people who care about the court to say that.


Johnny Utah 10/13/2005 09:52:00 PM  
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