Italy Defends Move To Patrol Streets With SoldiersThe Italian government has defended its decision to use soldiers to patrol cities in an effort to curb crime, rejecting criticism that it will "militarise" the streets.
"There is a strong call from citizens for better control of the streets, for improved safety," Defence Minister Ignazio La Russa told Sky Italia television.
"My hope is that particularly in the evening, in the cities, these troops can ensure greater safety." [...]
Italy's main trade unions said rather than using soldiers the government should make better use of 25,000 police who are doing desk work, and the mayor of Turin said the move was "populist demagoguery" that would hurt tourism and Italy's image abroad.
This sounds like a good idea to me, and far from making me feel uncomfortable as tourist it would make me feel safer! Italy just went to the top of my travel list in Europe. Especially given how dangerous it's become in
the Netherlands and
northern Europe because of Muslim aggression. And yes, I know there are Muslims committing violence in Italy, but it's all in how you deal with the problem.
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